a visit to a local farm in the winter was such a treat.
a llama + so many cute lil alpacas I was in heaven!
family sessions are the best, I never know what will happen
but we just go with the flow and have fun with it

a visit to a local farm in the winter was such a treat.
a llama + so many cute lil alpacas I was in heaven!
family sessions are the best, I never know what will happen
but we just go with the flow and have fun with it
Kristy + Brad are such a sweet couple, and happen to be my neighbors!
These two are a dyanmic partners, they work together are raising an adorable son together and are making parenthood look good. These two are walking down the isle in a few short days, cannot wait to see the day they have been planning for over year!
Freelancing with Main Street Steamboathttps://www.mainstreetsteamboat.com/farmers-market/
this Summer has been a blast. There is nothing like a Saturday in Steamboat when you get to bike down to the market for local handmade goods and treats! Here is a peek at this Summers Market
what a beautiful backdoor baptism.
surrounded by family and an abundance of love this lil lady was dipped into the yampa river for a religious baptism
Beauty sleeps on the calm dreamy bosom of the ocean, or lives in the dance of its wild waves. ~T.C. Henley
sundance yoga studio
Steamboat springs colorado
This is what it looks like when the Winter WonderGrass Bluegrass Festival rambles through the Boat. I was lucky enough to work with an amazing caterer, Lulu Martin Cox owner of Amuse Bouche to help her document her amazing pig feast that fed hundereds!
thanks to Megan and Louis for meeting me at the base of the resort this past Thursday. We were met by the sounds of Winter Wondergrass musicians noodlin' on the stage and crowds of listeners and dancers enjoying some live sounds. We strolled around, grab a drink at Gondola Pub and Grill, ran into a few moose and played with their doggy Hank. Thanks you two for kickin' it for a fun shoot.
this family was super fun to hang out with.
their backyard wedding was laid back- stylish - and perfect!
love in the ferns
autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other season -jb
this is my favorite time of year
chasing the colors around the valley
setting up my hammock in aspen groves
and going on hikes with my favorite dog
> > >
now booking fall sessions
my gorgeous friend tiffany
i met Ellen a few weeks ago at steamboat movement festival. she was setting up her booth of colorful harham pants, wallets, bags, and yoga apparel that caught everybody's eye. check out the fun shoot we did for Free Flying Fish outside of Yoga Lila earlier this week.
All of clothing is designed by Ellen and Fernando Romero, and developed by women owned and operated small businesses in Peru.
mastering this art form : which is a unique effect of an expensive tilt-shift lens, where the focus plane is thrown out of whack
this is eleana. she just moved to steamboat springs - and is radiant sophomore at the local high school. she is made of giggles and sunshine ( truly) and is so fun to photograph + she rocked her Hawaiian performance in steamboat dance theatre.
I have gotten to attend quite a few weddings this summer and I have detected a theme. Weather the wedding is on a golf course, at ski resort or in a backyard or secluded out on a ranch I have had the chance to jump into a Photo Booth, and I have loved every single one! Its a don't miss at every wedding.
Grab your date, lasso your buddies and pull in the bride and groom at some point during the day, it typically gets goofy in there. And the best part is instant proof of what went down in the booth.
this sweet lil' family shows us how its done!
The last wedding I worked out I met Lauren, the owner of Steamboat Photo Lounge,
our Photo Lounges are beautiful and modern white structures with gorgeous curves that add a layer of elegance to your event.
I love the chic design and space you have in this new photo booth! If you are planning a wedding or just got invite for one, make sure you stake out the photo booth, it won't disappoint!